Changes to the semester ticket for SoSe 2025 and WiSe 2025/2026

The changes include the group of beneficiaries from SoSe 2025, as well as price increases from WiSe 2025/2026.

All Information regarding the semesterticket can be found here:

Eligibility group

The VBB is standardizing the group of beneficiaries for all universities and student bodies in Berlin and Brandenburg. At the request of the majority of universities and student bodies, the following student groups will be included in the obligation to purchase the semester ticket from summer semester 2025 (Semesterticketsatzung § 3 Para. 2):

f) Students who are enrolled in a non-modularized study program or in a study program with a scope of less than 15 credit points per semester in accordance with the examination and study regulations,

g) Students who are enrolled in supplementary, additional or postgraduate degree programs or are participating in continuing education programs as well as doctoral students

Therefore, the following study programs are now entitled and obliged to purchase the semester ticket:

  • PhD programs and all doctoral students (g)
  • Bridge to Studies (f)
  • German as a foreign language in Person (f)
  • ESiST - Successful entry for international students (f)

The following non-entitlements are changed:

[OLD] c) Students who are enrolled in a work-accompanying degree programme in accordance with the examination and study regulations (part-time and work-accompanying are different things),

[NEW] c) Students in work-accompanying programs that are designed in such a way that students are or can be primarily employed rather than studying,

The following non-entitlements remain in place:

a) Guest students and secondary studentswithin the meaning of the relevant Higher Education Act,

b) Students who are exclusively enrolled in an evening, online or distance learning course without compulsory attendance (“distance learning students”),

d) Students who can prove that they are taking a semester off or a semester abroad,

e) students who are not members of the student body,

The following student groups are still not entitled to the semester ticket:

  • M.A. World Heritage Studies Online (b)
  • German as a foreign language Online (b)
  • Artistic education (c)
  • M.Sc. Building and Conservation (c)
  • M.Sc. Urban Design - Revitalization of Historic City Districts PO 2019 (c)
  • M.B.L. Business Law in Technology Companies (c)
  • M.Sc. Forensic Sciences and Engineering (c)

Price increases

The Deutschlandticket will be €9 more expensive from 01.01.2025 and will therefore cost €58. The semester ticket cannot be increased so spontaneously, as it requires a longer lead time of around 8 months due to enrollment phases. The price of the Deutschlandsemesterticket is currently set at 60% of the Deutschlandticket and therefore the price will change as follows:

SuSe 2025 € 176.40 (€ 29.40 per month)
as of WiSe 2025/2026 € 208.80 (€ 34.80 per month)

The price increase therefore amounts to € 5.40 per month.