It's all in YOUR Hands! - The StuPa Election 2024

The candidates for the StuPa election 2024 have been announced! Take a look here to see who is standing for the next StuPa and what the candidates want to achieve.

StuPa - It's in your hands

The results of the StuPa election 2024

The election of the StuPa 2024 has now officially come to a close! With 592 votes cast, a voter turnout of 9.40% can be recorded. The 30 seats in the student parliament will be filled by the candidates as follows:

  1. Muhammad Abdul Rehman Shah
  2. Anton Schiefelbein
  3. Jonathan Sturm
  4. Anna Mitschke
  5. Burhan Göcer
  6. Florian Schmidt
  7. Hans Kiesler
  8. Tim Wendler
  9. Isabelle Zenker
  10. Robert Wall
  11. Michael Lück
  12. Yashu Baghel (Rejected the election)
  13. Stefan Binder
  14. Carina Löhning
  15. Maite Arntz
  16. Xavier Bischoff
  17. Björn Weber
  18. Shaheer Ahmed Khurram
  19. Benjamin Hoppe
  20. Jan Müller
  21. Julius Schulz
  22. Alexander Howel
  23. Erik Jankowski
  24. Johannes Noack
  25. Kilian Balzer
  26. Sebastian Bauer
  27. Julius Gilbert
  28. Helia Rezapour
  29. Mahdiyar Barati
  30. Olaf Pohl

All details on the result and the distribution of votes can be found in the official result of the StuPa election 2024 .

The Candidates for the StuPa Election 2024

After one month of calling for candidates, a total of 30 people have applied for election to the Student Parliament 2024. Here you can see who all wants to join the new StuPa and what the candidates want to achieve together and in their lists.

Make a note of the date for the student parliament election now: In the period from June 3 to 8, all eligible students will receive a one-time link by e-mail to their BTU e-mail address. Take your chance and cast your vote for a new BTU student parliament!

List 0xb8000

  • Julius Schulz

  • Xavier Bischoff

  • Alexander Howel

  • Xavier Bischoff

  • Jan Müller

  • Johannes Noack

  • Kilian Balzer

  • Sebastian Bauer

  • Björn Weber

Hi everyone,
I'm Isa and I'm currently in the final stages of my bachelor's degree in computer science.
I am now aiming for my second legislature in the student parliament. In the last legislature, I was part of the presidium and got to know the parliament from a formal point of view. I prepared and chaired many of the meetings and assisted with taking minutes.
Through my work on the Presidium, I came into close contact with the Student Council and supported the representatives as much as possible.
I still see the semester ticket as one of the major issues for the new legislature. Other major and important points are the reworking of the statutes and regulations as well as the new election of the Student Council.
Constructive cooperation and the integration of different opinions and ideas are important to me.

To ensure that the parliament is well-filled again this year, I, like Fabian Mildner before me, have launched the list 0xb8000 and look forward to every vote on our list.

List 10

  • Muhammad Abdul Rehman Shah

List BFP - BTU Fusion Partei

My journey at BTU has been incredibly enriching, both academically and personally. I have actively participated in various student organizations and events, which has given me a profound appreciation for the importance of student representation and advocacy.

If elected, my primary goals will include:

  1. Enhancing Support for Students: I aim to improve the resources and support systems available for international students, ensuring they feel integrated into the university community. This includes expanding orientation programs, providing more comprehensive language support, and creating networking opportunities.
  2. Promoting Cultural Exchange: I will work towards adding more events and initiatives that celebrate the diverse cultures represented at our university. By promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding, we can build a more cohesive and inclusive community.
  3. Advocating for Student Welfare: I am committed to addressing issues related to student welfare, such as health support, accommodation, and employment. By collaborating with university administration and relevant stakeholders, I will strive to improve the overall student experience.
  4. Encouraging Student Engagement: I believe in the power of student voices and will actively seek input from the student body to ensure that their concerns and ideas are heard and acted upon.

My diverse background and experiences have equipped me with a global perspective and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by students. I am confident that my dedication, enthusiasm, and leadership skills will enable me to effectively represent our student body and contribute to the growth and development of our university.

List Helia Rezapour

I am excited to join the Student Parliament at BTU University to help make decisions that affect us all. I want to be involved in setting fees each semester, organizing tasks, negotiating semester ticket prices, and more.

I believe by being part of the Student Parliament, I can represent student interests, work with others to find solutions, and improve our university experience. I am eager to collaborate with students, faculty, and staff to create a positive and inclusive environment for everyone.

I am committed to being a proactive member, contributing ideas, and working towards a better university for all of us. I am confident that my dedication and leadership skills will allow me to make a difference in our community

List Hopfen und Engagement

(This text was automatically translated into English)

Hello dear students,

I'm sure I've already met some of you at the events of the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Student Council, where I've been an elected member since 2018.

But now let me briefly talk about the work we have done (thanks to your trust in the last legislature): We achieved our major goal of reintroducing the semester ticket. This year, the aim is to further refine and improve it. This could be an included bicycle transport or the option of switching from the German semester ticket to a cheaper semester ticket in the old tariff area.

As a member of parliament, I would also like to create opportunities for students, boards of students, initiatives and associations to realize their projects. I also always have an open ear for the problems of these student bodies. To this end, I took part in many meetings of the Student Council (StuRa) during the last legislature. I hope I was able to convince you in the last term and that you will place your trust in me for another term.


List Juso-HSG

  • Julius Gilbert

List Korrekt

  • Olaf Pohl

I am running for a place in the student parliament at the Brandenburg University of Technology to draw attention to student problems in Cottbus, from the perspective of a student at my university.

In my hometown Potsdam, I have already been working as a student speaker for the interdisciplinary matters of my fellow students. Here in Cottbus, I would like to continue along this path offering an open mind and ear to my student colleagues and standing up for the student community. I want to take this exciting challenge and make a difference.

For example, to engage in a dialog with public representatives and politicians and draw attention to the funding of the Students Union (Studentenwerke) so that they can continue to expand their service in canteens, cafés, and student dormitories. I want to promote the consultation services for students and point to the allocation of BAföG and the amount of funding.

In a time of polarization and populist claims, we must take a firm stand against Discriminatory stements and anti-democratic tendencies.

The pressing problems of students will not be solved by gender bans within state institutions, as has recently been the case in Bavaria. Priorities must be set accordingly. The BTU can show that diversity, tolerance, inclusion, and diversity do not only end at the borders of the university campus but are also lived throughout the entire city.

Liste für Diversität und Soziales

  • Jonathan Sturm

The List for Diversity and Social Issues stands for a vibrant, social, and sustainable university where all students feel comfortable. We (I) represent a discrimination-free, queer feminist, antifascist, and ecological perspective.

I promise that I will attend at least 10 out of 20 sessions – at least online and when I’m not on vacation :3

Our Goals :0

Active against right-wing extremism, racism, and anti-Semitism! We support the enhancement and expansion of feminist and queer structures, organizations, and educational offerings and stand for a discrimination-free campus without right-wing agitation. Since the installation of the anti-racism bench in front of the ZHG was ineffective and Nazis still find space on campus, we demand the installation of more anti-racism benches until the problem is resolved.

Consistent climate policy, both ecological AND social! We demand the massive expansion of public transport offerings and the establishment of a new parking concept. Academic buildings should be energetically renovated. Furthermore, trash cans and ashtrays should be placed throughout the campus.

Improve working conditions for student jobs: Student jobs at the university should be better compensated. The necessary funds for this should be obtained by reducing the salaries of top earners at the university (e.g., the university president).

Social justice: We advocate for a rent cap for dormitories and block student projects where the beer price is over 2€/liter.

Promote sports and culture: To promote the athletic and cultural participation of students in Cottbus, we advocate for the recognition of sports and cultural participation (e.g., the 24- hour swim) as academic achievements in the form of credit points.

Study as you want! Abolish attendance requirements for modules with exams, prohibit progress checks, and create a hybrid lecture format. To protect mental health, we support the introduction of study-free weeks.

Stop censorship: We demand the immediate unblocking of the popular video game "Clash of Clans" as this realistic simulation game, with its highly complex economic simulation (trading with Gold and Elixir), is of paramount importance for students studying Business Administration to gain practical experience in financial markets.

Expand infrastructure: We demand the construction of a Mensa drive-in so that all students can visit the Mensa using their preferred means of transport. To prevent social exclusion, we fight for a comprehensive car-sharing offer on campus. This would also render the semester ticket unnecessary.

List Mahdiyar Barati

  • Mahdiyar Barati

List MultiFak

With our list, we practically cover the whole spectrum of the various faculties (5 out of 6) at this university. Our main concern is visibility and representation for ALL students on campus, especially those who face difficulties due to language barriers in participating in campus life and life in Cottbus. Topics such as sustainability, diversity, and social justice are at the forefront of our concerns, and we intend for a respectful and participatory approach with our peers in the parliament.

I am Hans and I am a student in World Heritage. I want to be re-elected to the StuPa to advance the cultural discourse at the university. It is important to me that the voices of non-German-speaking students are also heard. Additionally, I want to work towards better integrating the BTU with the city of Cottbus.

I'm Stefan and I'm studying “mechanical engineering” in my 14th semester. I have already been a member of the student parliament for three years, including one year on the executive committee (Praesidium). I would like to continue to contribute my experience. What is particularly important to me: A clear commitment to anti-fascism, more room for student participation in decision-making processes and an more sustainable campus on and to which you can move in an environmentally conscious way.

My name is Carina and I am studying Computer Science. Topics such as the digitalization of the university play a significant role, especially at a technical university. Therefore, I want to particularly support projects that aim to reduce paper usage and promote digitalization.

I'm Maite and I am a bachelor student in “land use and water management”. I want to get involved in StuPa to stand for projects that contribute to an open, diverse and sustainable university.

My name is Anna and I study Social Work in Sachsendorf. My aim is to address social issues at the university. I want BTU to be a safe space for open, social exchange and networking. Everyone should feel equally represented and all concerns should be heard. Additionally, I want to promote better collaboration among students across the different campuses.

My name is Burhan and I am a student in Industrial Engineering. I came to B- TU as an Erasmus student from the TU Istanbul and decided to stay and finish my degree here. Through the student parliament, I want international students to gain more visibility and for B-TU to facilitate the exchange with the city as well as better represent the concerns of all students in its decisions.


  • Tim Wendler

  • Benjamin Hoppe

(This text has been automatically translated into English)

We are the RCDS-Cottbus-Senftenberg and have recently been founded with the aim of ensuring a safe learning and working environment for students at the locations.

We are also involved in the BUK (Building and Art History) and FEM (Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering) student councils and hope to continue to support your ideas and interests in the future.

We are standing up for you with these ideas:

Reduce GEZ! Relief for students:

We will campaign at state and federal level with our partners in the more than 100 RCDS university groups for a reduction in the GRZ fees for students and trainees.

Strengthen voluntary work! :

We want to strengthen the associations and student councils at our university, in particular by reducing bureaucratic hurdles in the application for financial resources and approvals.

Transparency is our self-image! :

We are committed to making university policy more transparent by communicating the decisions of the student parliament more widely.

Strengthen the public voice! :

We see it as our duty to advocate more public votes on university policy issues in order to respect the will of the voters and strengthen your right to co-determination.

Exceptions in the semester ticket! :

We want to make exceptions to the semester ticket possible for students with special needs.

Freedom of research! :

For us, the freedom of research within an ethical framework is a fundamental right under Article 5 (3) of the Basic Law, and this freedom therefore enjoys special protection.

We therefore reject radical restrictions on research at colleges and universities.

Parking cards for boards of students! :

We advocate the introduction of parking cards for the boards of students of our university; these should allow the parking of vehicles in restricted areas that are used for the transportation and storage of materials.

Good food is a must! :

Once again, we see it as our duty to demand a more balanced range of food in our university canteen. In short, there must be more affordable meat dishes again, in addition to the expensive “Mensa Premium”.

List Wir sind die Baum Kuschler

  • Michael Lück

List Yara

  • Yashu Baghel

List Zukunft

Hello, I'm Flo

Democracy is close to my heart, which is why I want to work for a fair, sustainable and liveable future. My diverse experience from my studies, my completed training as event technican, as well as my work in culture, trade and the social sector serve as a basis for balanced and fair decisions. Politics is not only made in the big parliaments in Berlin, Potsdam or Brussels, its made here and now. I believe that everyone can make a difference and I am committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to do so. I would therefore like to represent the student body and take on responsibility with an open ear and a level-headed mind.

Call for Applications

YOU want to make a difference?
You are interested in university politics?
You want to have a say in important decisions?

...then join the StuPa!

Dear students,

It's that time again, the student parliament (StuPa) for the 2024 legislature is being elected. The 30 seats are to be filled by you for one year. Being a member of the StuPa parliament means voluntary and unpaid work, with 2-4 (hybrid) meetings per month and free, independent work scheduling.

What exactly is the StuPa?

The StuPa is the highest decision-making body of student self-administration.

And what does the StuPa do?

  • Negotiated the semester ticket with the StuRa, among other things
  • Elects the StuRa members and distributes tasks
  • "Supervises" the StuRa's departments in committee meetings
  • Decides on the fee schedule each semester (part of the money that every student has to pay each semester)
  • Is involved in university politics with quarterly meetings with the president and other members of the university administration
  • Has a say in city politics! (e.g. meetings with the Mayor of Cottbus)

You want to be a part of it? You see the chance to really make a difference? Then apply NOW by May 24, 2024 by sending an email to !

It is also possible to apply in person to Anja Krüger at the StuRa offices:

Cottbus in the StuRa-Eck (Hubertstraße 15):
Mon & Tue 9:00 - 12:00; 13:00 - 15:00
Fri 9:00 - 13:00
Senftenberg in building 7, room 109 (Großenhainer Str. 57):
Thu 9:00 - 14:00

The following information must be included in the application:

  • the name of the list (A list is something like a "party" that you found. The name can be chosen freely, e.g. "Favorite color GLITZER". It does not matter whether there is only one person or ten people on the list) .
  • Surname and first name
  • Course of study
  • Your address
  • Signature
  • Voluntary: Photo of yourself and letter of motivation (will be published on the StuRa homepage for the election)

Here's a fictitious example candidacy including all the mandatory information .

Simply send us your signed document with all the data from above, or hand it in personally to Anja Krüger! As a template you can use the Vorlage Wahlverzeichnis StuPa . You may apply up to the 24th of May.

Any questions? The election commission will be happy to answer them. Or you can watch the interview, which you can find now on Instagram at @sturabtucs , in which an experienced member of parliament talks about the activities in the StuPa.

Good luck!

(P.S.: Voluntary work also looks good on your CV! It may also be possible to receive BAFöG for one semester longer if you are a member of the StuPa).

All official dates about the election, including the application deadline and the date of the election, can be found in the official election announcement (regrettably, this document is only available in German).