Looking for students for the board of directors of the Studentenwerk!

The Studentenwerk Frankfurt-Oder plays a major role at the university - from student housing to providing food in the canteen. We are now looking for students to represent us on the Studentenwerk's Board of Directors!

The Studentenwerk Frankfurt-Oder is the student union responsible for the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Many of you probably have daily contact with it - because the canteens at our campuses are run by the Studentenwerk and the meal plan is also planned by the Studentenwerk. Furthermore, many student residences in the area are managed by the Studentenwerk, which means that it has a significant influence on rents and student housing in general. But there are also many other, perhaps somewhat less well-known services offered by the Studentenwerk... be it psychological support for students, funding for students in financial need, rehearsal rooms in the student residences for individual music-making or a daycare center in Cottbus for students with children.

As you can see, the Studentenwerk makes a lot of things possible, and it can make even more possible if you contribute good ideas. The student bodies of all the universities that the Studentenwerk supports send representatives to the Studentenwerk's administrative board, where important decisions are made. BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg has 3 seats on the Administrative Board We are still looking for further interested parties who would like to represent us on the Administrative Board! We are still looking for candidates within the lecture period of this semester.

Interesse geweckt? Dann meldet euch doch gerne direkt beim Präsidium des Studierendenparlaments mit Euren Fragen oder Eurer formlosen Kandidatur!